FACIFY - A Facebook Messanger Shopping Chat Bot built with Facial Emotional AI Capability

This Bot is built as part of Facebook Developer Circle Toronto Hackathon 2017

What makes us to come up with this idea ?….

We noticed the real difference in In-store shopping and Online Shopping is the personal touch and assistance which we get In-store.

Does it help and affects the purchase rate ?….

Key Features of Facify Bot

Technology that gave Bot a BRAIN !….

Below are the basic technology we have used

Future Plan with Facify - Possibilities are endless - Here are the few ideas

Facify Presentation

Please find below link where you can take a look of presentation made for Developer Circle Hackthon Toronto 2017


Found Interesting and Want to Contribute - Feel free and follow below steps to Get Started with this

Follow these steps to get our bot configured and off the ground.

Must create a personal Facebook account and a Facebook developer account [here] (https://developers.facebook.com/)

Before you begin - Tasks

Server Configuration - Part I

these steps have no dependencies so complete them first

Configure your Facebook application - Part I

The App Dashboard is the admin panel for all your Facebook Platform integrations. Every app you create contains some unique values which are used to secure the communication channels between your bot, the Messenger Platform and the people who message your page. You must copy these values into your bot’s config file.

Start your server and ngrok tunnel

You must run your server so that the Messenger Platform can verify that your webhook is available

Configure your Facebook application - Part II

Test your bot